The Learning Landscape

The Learning Landscape is a powerful metaphor that helps students understand the learning process. It teaches them how to be active learners in charge of creating their own talents and abilities.

Bring learning to life in your classroom and teach your students how to become better learners!


In the Learning Landscape, there are four different types of Challenge Pits. Prepare your students to recognise and traverse these pits, and to climb out by filling their backpacks with powerful Habits of Mind. Show your students how to embark on learning journeys and climb the highest peaks of expertise!


Rosalie Mc Farlane

Director of Education - Adventist Education

What James shared resonates so strongly in terms of growing learners. It is what we should focus on most!

Hillary Knowles

Waitara High School - Deputy Principal Learning

This is an excellent, eye opening and relevant course with specific links to all learning behaviours and attitudes with ways of developing learner agency in and out of the classroom.

Kerry Guise

Wanaka Primary School - Deputy Principal

Go for it. Loved all the sessions and of course the invaluable resources I now have available to go over at my leisure.

Topics include:

Bring Learning to Life in the Learning Landscape

The Learning Landscape gives learners a concrete way to understand and improve their engagement in the learning process. It encourages students to undertake learning journeys, where they discover new knowledge and understandings, and ascend the mountains of expertise. Importantly, it helps students to realise that their success is a result of what they do, not who they are.

Challenges – 4 Different Challenge Pits 

Not all challenges are created equal. Teach your students to recognise the four different Challenge Pits, identify their Learning Zone, and succeed at Learning Challenges.

Filling Your Backpack – Habits of Mind

To succeed at Learning Challenges and climb out of a Challenge Pit, students need to fill their backpacks with the Habits of Mind. Discover how to use the Habits of Mind Profile Tool to delve into your students’ backpacks and identify areas of strength and development.

 The Climb – Mistakes and Practise

Learning is not a single event. It’s a process we engage in throughout our lives. How we engage in practise and respond to mistakes and feedback is critical to our learning journey.

Effort – Focusing on Efficacy

In the Learning Landscape, it’s not simply the amount of time and energy students spend learning that’s important – it’s how they spend that time and energy. Learn to distinguish between four different types of effort and recognise how to shift learners’ attention from effort to efficacy.

Mindset – How You See Yourself as a Learner

The Learning Landscape metaphor acts as a positive Mindset Mover, helping students move along the Mindset Continuum to develop more growth-oriented Mindsets. Go beyond the social media myths and misunderstandings about Growth Mindset to discover how teachers can make an enduring difference to students’ Mindsets.

Learner Agency

Throughout this course, you will learn how to use the Learning Landscape to help students develop Learner Agency and become better learners. Discover your role in supporting students to become Agile Learners – learners who embrace challenges and prepare for an uncertain future.

Glenn Gibson

Principal - Millarville Community School, Canada

Effective and engaging. The set up, technologically speaking, was ideal for the course delivery!

Nadine Tagaroulias

Assistant Principal - Kahibah Public School 

Fantastic weekly workshops and I am looking forward to working with my students to become better learners. Having access to the resources will help me successfully implement the Learning Landscape

Five Professional Learning Options 

Access learning how and when it suits you!

Individual and Small Team Professional Learning Options

Engaging, practical and powerful professional learning that will achieve better outcomes for your students.


Online - Self Paced


Get Started Straight Away

  • Self-paced, individualised learning
  • Over 6 hours of video lessons and activities
  • No scheduled classes
  • Immediate access
  • 12 months’ access
  • Course updates included
  • Online discussions
  • Full-day equivalent, plus bonus resources


  • 15% discount for teams of 3 or more
  • 15% discount on book purchases

Online - Coached


Your Guided Learning Option

  • Explore the Learning Landscape with James Anderson as your personal guide
  • Weekly group coaching sessions via Zoom for 6 weeks
  • 12 months access to online lessons
  • Accountability of regular classes
  • Recordings of all Zoom calls
  • Unlimited email support



  • 15% discount for teams of 3 or more
  • Teams of 3 or more receive a free 1-hour private coaching session with James Anderson
  • 15% discount on book purchases
Dates and Details

Face to Face


Full Day Workshop

  • Face-to-face full-day group workshop
  • Greater flexibility to respond to your group’s learning needs
  • Includes 12 months’ access to online lessons
  • Unlimited email support
  • Locations around Australia and New Zealand


  • 15% discount for teams of 3 or more
  • Teams of 3 or more receive a 1-hour private coaching session with James Anderson
  • 15% discount on book purchases
coming in 2021

Whole School Learning Options

Get your whole staff on board to create real school change.

Mentored Whole-School Professional Learning

This package gives you all the resources in the online course plus access to James Anderson’s Leading Learning Academy for a complete professional learning program for your entire staff.

How Does it Work?

Nominate a team of 3–5 teachers to lead your on-site professional learning. James will mentor this team to design and deliver a tailored program to meet the learning needs of your teachers.

This approach allows you to blend online learning with whole-staff activities, discussions, and other learning protocols from James’s Leading Learning Academy. Design and deliver your school-based professional learning plan over 3–12 months.

Find Out More

School-Based Partnership

With this package, James Anderson will come to your school for a full day of staff development. Inspire and engage your staff with this dynamic and insightful keynote plus workshop.

This 12-month partnership gives you a fully tailored and complete approach to your staff’s professional learning. It includes access to all online lessons and the Leading Learning Academy, as well as unlimited email and phone support for your leadership team as you implement the ideas.

 Parent information nights and ongoing virtual learning options are available, as well as discounted access to all other courses.

Find Out More

Kerry Guise

Wanaka Primary School - Deputy Principal

Brilliant. Loved every session. It felt very informal, loved the setting. Having James zoom into the sessions without us having to travel was wonderful. We would usually have to travel anywhere up to 3 hours to attend conferences or seminars such as this.

Wendy Bamford

Wanika Primary School - Principal

Excellent - great use of technology - very professional presentation. Kept us engaged the entire time; felt like you were in the room with us; very responsive!

Jason Boobyer

Puketaha Primary School

Fantastic weekly workshops and I am looking forward to working with my students to become better learners. Having access to the online resources will help me successfully implement the Learning Landscape.

Want to know more about the Learning Landscape?

If you have a question about the Learning Landscape, or any of James Anderson's professional learning options, simply complete the form below and we'll get back to you asap.