The Learning Zone is that stretch just beyond our current best where we start being challenged. It’s where we stop getting busy and start getting better! 

If you’d like your students to stop taking the easy option, to embrace challenge as an opportunity for growth, to be comfortably uncomfortable with struggle, to see adversity as a desirable difficulty, and to feel less anxious and more excited about learning, then this is the webinar for you.

Understanding your Learning Zone is a key to effective learning. It is the difference between embracing challenges and avoiding them. The difference between valuing effort as a pathway to growth and seeing it as a necessity that makes up for lack of ability. It is the difference between teaching for depth or breadth. And it is the difference between choosing the long-term benefit of growth over the short-term satisfaction of completion! 

This webinar is the guidebook for teachers who want students to have a healthy, long-term relationship with challenge. 


In this webinar you’ll find:

  • A deep exploration of the Comfort Zone, Performance Zone and Learning Zone, and their role in learning.
  • Frameworks for helping students get comfortable with the discomfort of challenge.
  • Techniques for “raising the bar” on student performance and achieving growth.
  • Maps for exploring the four different types of challenges.
  • Strategies for engaging students in purposeful and deliberate practice.
  • Tools for helping students embrace challenges.
  • An understanding of why it’s critical to regularly move students in, and out, of their Learning Zone.
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